Friday, 12 June 2015

Summer is here – and so am I

This is a post to tell that I’m still here, even if I haven’t posted anything in months. I haven’t abandoned my blog. I just haven’t had anything to blog about. I’ve started to write a post a couple of times, only to abandon it when it turned out I had nothing to say after all.

One of the reasons I haven’t written anything here is that I want to change the direction of this blog. I’ve mostly written about my journey as an author-publisher, and while I’m sure my fellow indie authors have been interested in such posts, other readers probably haven’t. But it isn’t that easy to step outside my comfort zone and write about new things. I’ll try, though most of the posts probably will be related to books in some way.

As a proof that I’ve paid attention to this blog in my absence, I’ve changed the theme – again. Actually, I did it already last month, I just didn’t tell anyone about it. This new theme is green, as was, if I recall correctly, the first theme too, when I started this blog. Or was it red...

In the meanwhile, I’ll continue writing books. I started writing the next book in the Two-Natured London series, but then I put it on hold to write something completely different. We’ll see which one I’ll finish first.

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