Monday, 6 January 2014

Happy New Year!

I’ve begun this year the same way I began the last, with a new cover for an old book. I’ve redesigned the cover for Which Way to Love? I published a year ago. Back then, the chick-lit type cover it originally had felt perfect for it, but the book never took off and I came to a conclusion that the cover was partially to blame for it.

The new cover is based on a photo – the original was a drawing – which I hope feels fresh. The colours are various shades of pink that gives it a romantic vibe. The book isn’t a romance as such though; it’s more a finding oneself type of story and I hope the cover reflects that too. But in the end, I simply hope it’s an interesting cover that catches readers’ attention.

Which Way to Love by Hannah Kane
And while I was at it, I made some changes to the cover of At Her Boss’s Command too – the one I redid this time a year ago. The cover is essentially the same, I only made the background and the fonts darker because they almost faded in the original.

Now that the covers are done, I'll return to writing. I haven’t quite decided yet whether I’ll write the sister book to At Her Boss’s Command or a fourth book to the Two-Natured London series. While I make up my mind, I’m writing a short story with a dystopian vibe to it. If it turns out any good, I may even publish it.

Happy New Year to you all!      

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