Tuesday 14 August 2012

Citius, Altius, Fortius

The Olympics are over and so is my weeklong solitude during which I was supposed to work hard to finish my manuscript. Needless to say, I failed. My husband returned with a bag full of dirty clothing and a body so bruised it looks like he has taken a steady beating with a cane – and you thought sailing is easy – but since the crew he sailed with had reached their objective, he was satisfied with his week. I can’t say the same about mine, although watching the Olympics did make me happy.

It was for the better though, or at least that’s what I keep telling myself. Since I made a large story overhaul in my manuscript, the slower pace has allowed me to mull over the plot changes. I have rethought quite a few things in the book and I hope they make it better once I sit by my computer to actually write them down. So while there is something to be said about being faster or reaching higher (and haven't I been quite a Latin buff in my titles this month), snail pace works better for me. In addition, as my mind relaxed, I came up with a brilliant idea for a book. The problem is that if I don’t step up with publishing the manuscripts I already have, it will take forever before I have a chance to start writing that one.

All in all, my summer vacation was relaxing and fun, even if the summer weather didn’t co-operate. But it’s over now and I need to get back to work. We’ll see how that goes.

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