Monday 12 February 2024

Change of pace

As those who have read this blog this year may have noticed, I’ve struggled with writing House of Magic 5. Last week wasn’t any more productive than before, and after 26 writing days, the manuscript stands at whopping 9000 words, averaging 350 words a day.

It has, however, presented me with two surprises already. One is a romantic pair I had no plans of forming between two side-characters. One moment I was stuck, and the next, on a whim, I paired them. And it works. For me, at least. I’m not sure how the readers will react, as one of them is a bit of a fan favourite.

The other surprise is the need for a change in the narrative pace. The series is told in one character’s first-person point of view, which works fine. However, due to events in the previous book, the rather vast cast is split in two for most of this one, leaving the MC’s romantic interest in the dark. So, I was contemplating writing some chapters from his point of view.

I’ve never done such a switch in the middle of a series. I have a dual point of view series where both MCs narrate in first person, and several books in third person. Here though, I thought the additional point of view could be in third person. I’ve read books where the MC is in first person and the other points of view are in third person. Occasionally it works, and then other times it doesn’t.

The other option is to use first person for him as well, but I’m hesitant to use that. I’m not sure I’d get his voice right, as he’s such a different person from the MC. And part of his allure is that he’s a bit of a mystery for the MC and reader alike. Would it ruin the series if we get an insight into him as well?

I don’t know the answer. And until I do, the book might stall even more. I’ll let you know how it goes.

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